Defense-in-Depth Model of IA Cybersecurity via a McCumber Cube

The McCumber Cube Above you see a picture of the McCumber Cube – see how it also looks like a Rubik's Cube? The McCumber cube was created (I believe around 1999) as both a concept and a visual model to depict a comprehensive approach to security, later called “Defense-in-depth”. The ability to visually see this, in an easy way, makes this model unique and useful for security practitioners. Rather than use a single dimension or list, or even just a simplified 2-dimensional matrix, McCumber came up with a three-dimensional model that is depicted as a cube. As the Wikipedia article about the McCumber Cube says, it is, “depicted as a three-dimensional Rubik's Cube-like grid.” As you can see, a picture is worth 1000 words. The McCumber Cube shows us, more-or-less, a 3-dimensional matrix or a “3-by-3-by-3” aka “3x3x3”model - of all the key things to be considered and examined - for developing a comprehensive information security framework, policy and methodology. ...